Salute to American Graffiti Festival

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Location:Petaluma CA
Begins: May-16-2024
Ends: May-18-2024

Description: An annual Salute to American Graffiti honors George Lucas's timeless, coming-of-age film, American Graffiti, most of which was filmed in Petaluma in the early summer of 1972. Visit local downtown merchants as many have special events including art shows, demonstrations, special window displays, and of course, sales. Stroll on over to Mel's Burger City and grab a burger or dog for you and your sweetie. Don't forget to check out all the over 400 plus classic cars and trucks. Dance and sing to the live bands on the main stage.Take a walk around the town and see if you can find all the spots that were featured in the movie, you may have to go outside the containment area to see them all.

Sonoma County Tourism Bureau

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Phone: 7075225823

Toll Free: 1-800-576-6662